
Train young (breeding) bulls by making them move in a controlled manner

March 2023

I am visiting the small village of Echem, state of Niedersachsen in Germany.

I was invited as speaker for several days for both pig farmers and dairy farmers.


The Fleckvieh crossbred bull present there was increasingly causing problems for the barn staff and students.

Their question was if I could demonstrate how I would handle this young bull, (which was kept among a group of other young bulls).



  • A bull can never be trusted,
  • If you are afraid of a bull, or in doubt, stay away from him,
  • In terms of caretaking: take good care of him, but act businesslike. (Do not hug, cuddle etc.). Bulls should have respect for the handler. You do not get that by hugging and cuddling.
  • Work with a young bull by controlled herding and mouvement.

I demonstrate this method in the short video: 


I show the bull clear body language, firmly and without any doubt.

Doubt will be "punished" by a bull, and is therefore dangerous!


Source text Ronald Rongen, photo and video Marga Fogt