Blog · 25. July 2024
Eighteen horses died in a fire at a horse stable on the night of Wednesday, July 24, to Thursday, July 25, according to a fire department spokesman. The horse barn was completely destroyed by the fire. Only two horses could be rescued out of the stable. No persons were injured. It is unfortunately the reality that when there is a barn fire, horses do not want to go outside, or even run back into the barn. Why they do this is not entirely known, however a number of factors play a role:

Low Stress Stockmanship in practice, it amazes even a cow hoof trimmer...
03. July 2024
The visit of the cow hoof trimmer, it is always exciting for the farmer and his cattle. And especially when they are suckler cows too...

On vacation: Hiking among cattle on alpine meadows and pastures
Blog · 03. July 2024
Because of the number of questions, I get from vacationers on this topic, some of my suggestions are listed below. Feel free to share them with your acquaintances and relatives who are planning a hiking vacation in the countryside of Germany, Austria or Switzerland.

Calves can also suffer from heat (part 4)
Blog · 26. June 2024
Depending on the starter/concentrate intake during heat stress, and the duration of heat stress, it may be beneficial to delay weaning for a week or more.

Calves can also suffer from heat (part 3)
Blog · 25. June 2024
Calves with heat stress grow at least 15% less compared to calves without heat stress.

Calves can also suffer from heat (part  2)
Blog · 24. June 2024
Despite their large body surface area in relation to their weight, calves also suffer from heat stress.

Calves can also suffer from heat (part 1)
Blog · 23. June 2024
In summer temperatures, how often do you check your calves to make sure they are not too hot?

Low Stress Stockmanship Europe participated in the BARTA 2024 conference at the School of Veterinary Medicine in Glasgow, Scotland
15. June 2024
Whether it was a cow that fell into the manure pit, a horse stuck in the horsebox or a livestock truck involved in a traffic accident. All of these issues were discussed in detail.

Blog · 30. May 2024
A good livestock handler understands the two major key principles of the animal: the flight zone (the “bubble” around an animal, that if invaded by a handler, causes the animal to move away) and the point of balance (the point, usually around the front shoulder, where pressure on that point causes the animal to stop or reverse, and vice versa).

Blog · 29. May 2024
Have you ever considered how to move a live animal (cow, horse, pig...) in distress or unable to stand up correctly?

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