
"Dances with Wolves"

Eye to eye with the wolf



Or rather, with three wolves.

And what do you do in such a situation?

Just stay calm and pay attention to body language.

After all, that's what wolves do!



There are many opinions, myths and legends about wolves

Often with the accompanying exaggeration factor and many "wild west" stories.

In my Dutch down-to-earthness, I summarize it as the Red Riding Hood syndrome.

With the return of the wolf to Western Europe, the Red Riding Hood syndrome is also growing.

After all, many people are afraid of wolves because of the terrifying depiction of the wolf in the well-known fairy tale.



According to wolf experts, this fear is completely unjustified

I am not a wolf expert myself, but I do agree with them.



Face to face with three wolves, for me a fantastic experience

You can also learn a lot from wolves, just look at their body language



Those interested around the wolf topic are always welcome to contact me here.

I like to put them in contact with wolf experts, who share their experiences from practice and not from gut feelings and/or the Red Riding Hood syndrome.


Source text and  photos: Ronald Rongen